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Adam Canepa
Teacher: Chemistry, Biology & AP Environmental Science
Email Adam Canepa
Alex Schneider
Teacher: Integrated 1 & Integrated 2
Email Alex Schneider
Alexandria Rumbel
Teacher: Yearbook, Personal Finance, & Technology Essentials
Email Alexandria Rumbel
Amanda Anderson
AP Secretary
Email Amanda Anderson
Amantha Wood
Teacher: Eagle Point Program
Email Amantha Wood
Angie Brenes
Indian Educator Coordinator
Email Angie Brenes
Anne Avelar
School Breakfast & Lunch Coordinator
Email Anne Avelar
Anne Sahlberg
School Counselor, Student Services Department Chair, Diversity Club Advisor
Email Anne Sahlberg
Anthony McClure
Teacher: Life Science Elements, Algebra Elements, Co-Teach Integrated 1
Email Anthony McClure
Ariana Urrea
IS Teacher
Email Ariana Urrea
Austin Smith
IS Teacher
Email Austin Smith
Brandon Fike
Indian Education: NECEP Family Liaison
Email Brandon Fike
Cassandra Moulton
Teacher: Jazz Band & Choir
Email Cassandra Moulton
Catherine Roscoe
Teacher: CATS Math & Integrated 2A
Email Catherine Roscoe
Chaz Arrington
Teacher: English Elements & Government Support
Email Chaz Arrington
Cheryl Johnson
Teacher: MRHS
Email Cheryl Johnson
Independent Study Teacher
Chris Evans
Student Assistance Counselor
Email Chris Evans
Sources of Strength Coordinator
Chrissy Stephens
School Psychologist
Email Chrissy Stephens
Christine Willfong
Principal´s Secretary
Email Christine Willfong
Cindy Clancy
Teacher: Freshmen PE, Adaptive PE, & Health
Email Cindy Clancy
PE Department Chair
Crystal McCullough
IS Secretary
Email Crystal McCullough
Dana Landry
IS Lead Teacher
Email Dana Landry
Darby Durbin
IS Teacher & MRHS Study Skills
Email Darby Durbin
Dave Avelar
Head Custodian
Email Dave Avelar
David O'Dell
Teacher: Life Skills
Email David O'Dell
Drew Riddle
Teacher: Gov/Econ, AP US History, AP European History
Email Drew Riddle
Social Science Department Chair
Dustin Dutra
Email Dustin Dutra
Eduardo Manzanera
Teacher: AP Language/Composition, English 3CP & English 1H
Email Eduardo Manzanera
Ilza Hakenen
Assistant Principal
Email Ilza Hakenen
Jack States
TPP Coordinator
Email Jack States
Jackie Keegan
Teacher: Spanish 1, & EL Study Skills
Email Jackie Keegan
EL Coordinator & World Languages Department Chair
Jacob Cheek
Teacher: Physical Education & Freshmen PE
Email Jacob Cheek
Varsity Girls Basketball Coach
Jacob Solomon
Teacher: CATS
Email Jacob Solomon
Jacqueline Hewins
Teacher: Co-Teach CATS Math & ELA
Email Jacqueline Hewins
Special Education Department Chair
Janet Barnett
Attendance Clerk
Email Janet Barnett
Jeff Landry
Dean of Students & Athletic Director
Email Jeff Landry
Jenna Lindberg
Library Clerk
Email Jenna Lindberg
Jennifer Trowbridge
Teacher: Guitar
Email Jennifer Trowbridge
Jeremy Harris
Teacher: Architectural Design & Makers
Email Jeremy Harris
MRHS Teacher
Jessica Raymer
Teacher Librarian
Email Jessica Raymer
Jessica Walkner
Behavioral/CATS Program Administrator
Email Jessica Walkner
John Kell
Email John Kell
Justine Smith
Teacher: Art 1, Art 2 AP Studio, Photo 1-2, & Animation/Digital Art
Email Justine Smith
Fine Arts Department Chair
Karen Myers
Teacher: French 1-4 & English 1CP
Email Karen Myers
Link Program Coordinator, Sophomore Class Advisor, IS Teacher, Equestrian Club Advisor, French Club Advisor, & Crochet Club Advisor
Karen Sheehy
Email Karen Sheehy
Kassida Robinson
Teacher: Ag Production, Ag Chem, Ag Bio & Advanced Ag
Email Kassida Robinson
FFA Advisor
Kayla Maulson
Indian Education Career/Job Coach
Email Kayla Maulson
JV Girls Volleyball Coach
Kelene Jake
Indian Education MHS Site Lead
Email Kelene Jake
Keri Lockard
School Social Worker
Email Keri Lockard
Sources of Strength Advisor
Kimberlin Demlow
Teacher: Human Anatomy, Biology & Bio/Community Health 1-2
Email Kimberlin Demlow
Science Department Chair, MTSS TOSA, & Junior Class Advisor
Laura Ashley
Teacher: English 2CP, English 3CP & English 4CP
Email Laura Ashley
Laurie Citro
Student Accounts Clerk
Email Laurie Citro
Lillian Cordeiro
Teacher: Ceramics
Email Lillian Cordeiro
Lori Meadows
Email Lori Meadows
Lucas Arnese
IS Teacher
Email Lucas Arnese
Maya Brodkey
IS Teacher
Email Maya Brodkey
Michael Gibson
Teacher: PE, Study Skills, Technology Essentials & Core Support
Email Michael Gibson
Nacirema Johnson
Teacher: Leadership, Core Support & CATS Health
Email Nacirema Johnson
MHS Cheerleading Coach & ASB Advisor
Nena Sivess
Speech Services
Email Nena Sivess
Nicole Peters
Teacher: Yurok Language 1-4
Email Nicole Peters
Olivia Rink
Email Olivia Rink
Rachel Watson
Instructional Coach
Email Rachel Watson
Junior Class Advisor
Ryan Stephenson
Teacher: Biology & Geology
Email Ryan Stephenson
Sarina Benavides-Garb
Teacher: Spanish 2-6
Email Sarina Benavides-Garb
Sean Curry
Teacher: Woodshop, Metalshop & Building Trades
Email Sean Curry
Shanna McCracken
MRHS Principal & Teacher
Email Shanna McCracken
IS Teacher & Varsity Girls Softball Coach
Steve Nystrom
Teacher: English 2 Honors, Drama 1-2 & Advanced Theatre Workshop
Email Steve Nystrom
Fine Arts Department Chair & Drama Club Advisor
Steve Walston
Teacher Integrated 3H, Integrated 1 & Math Analysis
Email Steve Walston
Math Department Chair
Suzi Hill
Teacher: AP Calculus, Integrated 2 & Integrated 3
Email Suzi Hill
Suzie McCray
School Counselor
Email Suzie McCray
Taylor Leblanc
Teacher: AP Literature/Composition & CATS English
Email Taylor Leblanc
Language Arts Department Chair & MRHS English
Thomas Richards
Teacher: Core Support & Math 2A Support
Email Thomas Richards
Tiffany Bullman
Teacher: US History, Culinary Arts, & AP Government
Email Tiffany Bullman
Social Science Department Chair
Torg Sahlman
Teacher: Automotive 1 & 2
Email Torg Sahlman
Ty'ithreeha Allen Colegrove
Indian Education Site Lead
Email Ty'ithreeha Allen Colegrove
Yvette Lanari
Teacher: World History, US History & Government/Economics
Email Yvette Lanari
Parent Portal