About Me
Johnny Kell, RN, CSN
Hello, I am Johnny Kell and I am here to serve the students of Northern Humboldt Union High School District. I am available to talk to students and parents, answer medical questions and be of help navigating the world of teenage pediatric health. I work often with both common and rare pediatric health issues as well as provide some support for students injured on campus or needing injuries that have happened outside of school attended to on campus. My goal is to help any student that needs it at our district. Medical diagnoses can be scary and confusing and often times the doctors and nurses at clinics and hospitals don't have enough time to explain things as clearly as they could. It is my goal to support the provider that is in charge of your care and spend the time it takes to make sure everyone involved understands what is going on. I believe that physical health and mental health are inextricably linked and I encourage students to find things that make them excited and bring them joy. I love the ocean and the mountains and on any given day you can find me boating, sailing, camping, hiking, surfing snowboarding, fishing or skateboarding...maybe even trying a new sport or hobby. Get active, stay active and keep searching! Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at (707)825-2410.
If you are vaccinated against COVID-19, thank you, if you are hesitant or are afraid of getting vaccinated after something you read or watched online, please reach out. I would love to clear anything up through respectful and patient conversation. Please stay safe and keep in touch. Get vaccinated, wear your mask, distance, use good hand hygiene, avoid crowds, repeat.