Panther Partners
McKinleyville High SchoolBooster ClubYou are Invited!
Panther Partner Funding Provided By:
Membership Dues
Annual fundraising events such as Homecoming Dinner, fireworks, sports physicals and sports calendars. Sale of spirit items; sweatshirts, buttons, cushions, pins, etc. REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE/SPONSORSHIP
Past Years Donations Include: Academic Scholarships All Sports Teams School Marquee Students Agendas Field Trips Safe & Sober Graduation Homecoming Fireworks MHS Information Handbook Sports Calendars & Physicals Gym Art Art & Music Departments Cheerleaders Improvements to Snack Bar Christmas Baskets Scoreboards for Baseball/Softball Yearbooks Literature Books/Freshman CORE Program |
Relay for Life
Improvements to Baseball Field Frosh Night Dinner Arcata/McKinleyville Play Science Fair SADD Sophomore Conference Freshman Orientation Barbecue & T-Shirts
Sports Physicals
Safe and Sober Graduation
Annual Scholarships
Cheerleader's Competition
And Much. Much More!
Benefits of Membership
Eligibility for Panther Partner Scholarship
Provides Mack High students with funds for a variety of activities that cannot be funded by the school.
Parental involvement makes our school stronger. It shows a spirit of support that the teachers appreciate and strengthens the moral of the faculty. Fundraising events. 2023-24 Meeting Schedule:
Monday, August 26 6:00PM
Monday, September 9 6:00PM
Monday, October 14 6:00PM
Monday, November 18 6:00PM
Monday, December 9 6:00PM
Monday, January 13 6:00PM
Monday, February 10 6:00PM
Monday, March 10 6:00PM
Monday, April 14 6:00PM
Monday, May 12 6:00PM
Monday, June 9 6:00PM