Scholarships & FAFSA/CADAA




NOTE:  If you have any problems with the links or applications, please email Anne Sahlberg -  Good luck!

FREE money for post-high school training, certificate programs, degrees, community colleges, AND 4-year universities is available.  

Did you know the State of California has $500 for EVERY eligible student to start a savings account?  From newborns to seniors about to graduate, CalKIDS wants to help you!  Find out more about eligibility and sign up HERE.


2024-25 Scholarship Applications

Nike HSI Scholarship - Due:  September 15
Coca-Cola Scholarship - Due:  September 30
CIF Golf Foundation Scholarship - Due:  Girls - October 14; Boys - April 28 (updated links coming soon!)
Elks National Scholarship Foundation - Due:  November 12 (choose Eureka Elks Lodge 652 as sponsoring lodge)
Hispanic Heritage Foundation - Due:  November 12
Hagan Foundation Scholarship - Due:  December 1
The Hagan Scholarship - Due:  December 1
American Culinary Federation Scholarships - Due:  October 31 (and beyond!)
Burger King Scholars - Due:  December 15
eQuality Scholarship - Due:  January 31
Sons of Italy Western Foundation (trades, college & lang study awards) - Due:  March 1
TriCounties Bank Scholarships (opens 11/1; merit & need-based/2 categories) - Due:  March 10

NCS Finder

(Click on Bigfoot to see more local scholarship opportunities!)
Buscando Becas (Spanish)

Please read below for important steps to take now!

FAFSA to do list

Before you apply to FAFSA or CADAA, please have the following information and documentation ready:
  • Your Social Security Number (for FAFSA only)
  • Your Alien Registration Number (for FAFSA only)
  • Parent's 2023 federal income tax return, W-2s, and other records of money earned.
  • YOUR 2023 federal income tax return IF YOU filed last year.
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable)

 FAFSA application link

To apply for most financial aid - including federal and state grants, work-study, and loans - you'll need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  Although this financial aid form may seem complex, there are many free resources to help you.  There are upcoming workshops and assistance available for completing the application.

CADAA application link

CA Dream Act Application (CADAA)
The California Dream Act allows undocumented and nonresident students who qualify for non-resident exemption under Assembly Bill 540 (AB540) to receive certain types of financial aid, university grants, community college fee waivers, and Cal Grants.  In addition, the California Dream Act, allows eligible students to pay in-state tuition at any public college in California.
2023-24 Scholarship Applications
Nike HSI Scholarship - Due:  September 15
Coca-Cola Scholarship - Due:  October 2
CIF Golf Foundation Scholarship - Due:  Girls - October 14; Boys - April 28 (updated links coming soon!)
Hispanic Heritage Foundation - Due:  November 13
Welder Training Scholarship (trades) - Due:  November 30
Burger King Scholars - Due:  December 15
Daughters of the American Revolution awards (too many to list!):  Due January 31
eQuality Scholarship - Due:  January 31
Elks Legacy Scholarship - Due:  February 5
Green Diamond Scholarships for Native Youth - Due:  March 4
Humboldt Area Foundation & Wild Rivers Community Foundation Common App - Due:  March 4 (for more info about each fund for essays, click here!)
TriCounties Bank Scholarships (merit & need-based/2 categories) - Due:  March 13
PG&E Employee Resource Group Scholarships (open to ALL majors)- Due:  March 15
Link Scholarship - Due:  April 1
Humboldt Builders' Exchange Scholarship (paper app in office) - Due:  April 12
CAA Youth Scholarship (children of law enforcement & fire service personnel) - Due: April 12
Humboldt Lodge No. 79 Scholarship (trades & college) - Due:  April 15
American Business Women's Association Scholarships (paper app in office) - Due:  April 30
Blue Lake School Alumni Scholarships (trades & college) - Due:  May 2
Portuguese Hall Society of the Holy Trinity Scholarship (paper app in office) - Due:  May 10
Path to Pro Scholarship (trades) - Due:  June 30, Sept 30
2023 Scholarship Applications (see current year for updated applications & links)
Violet Richardson Award: Due November 15
Daughters of the American Revolution awards (too many to list!):  Due January 31
Cancer Crushers Scholarship:  Due February 15
New Heart Community Church Scholarship (trades & college) - Due:  March 30
Italian Catholic Federation Scholarship (200 available nationwide) - Due:  April 1
CAA Youth Scholarship (children of law enforcement & fire service personnel) - Due: April 15
Humboldt Lodge No. 79 Scholarship (trades & college) - Due:  April 15
Order Sons of Italy Eureka Lodge (trades & college) - Due:  April 15
Eureka Emblem Club #298 scholarship - Due (postmarked by):  April 21
2022 Scholarships (updated link will be posted as they become available)
HAF & WCRF 2022 Miniverse Scholarship extension - Due:  March 20 (some a bit later)
NCWIT Scholarship - Due:  April 3
Humboldt Lodge No. 79 Scholarship (trades & college) - Due:  April 15
CAA Youth Scholarship (children of law enforcement & fire service personnel) - Due:  April 15
New Heart Community Church Scholarship (app available in office) - Due:  April 29
Eureka Emblem Club #298 Scholarships (app available in office) - Due:  May 1 
Indian Ed. Parent Advisory Committee Scholarship (applic. in office) - Due:  May 6
CSEA Scholarships (app available in office) - Due:  May 13
